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Stunning shrubbery to add tropical colour to your garden

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Naturalise yourself at All Green

Hibiscus display gardens

With so many varieties of hibiscus to choose from, it can be hard to picture what a plant will look like in your garden and which one to buy. That's why we've created beautiful display gardens, which you can view when you visit our nursery in Hoppers Crossing.

We also have team members onsite who can help you with any questions you have. We can point you in the right direction for nursery and landscaping products, and brainstorm ideas for where to place your hibiscus shrubs in your garden.

All Green employee helping a customer

Hibiscus delivery around Melbourne

Transporting shrubs can be tough if you don't have the right vehicles, or the time! That's why we offer exceptional delivery services, all around Melbourne.

For a set fee, we deliver to 15 suburbs surrounding our Hoppers Crossing nursery. Outside of this, we base our prices on distance by kilometre. If you'd like to get a more accurate quote, contact our team or visit our delivery page for more information.

All Green delivery truck

Locally grown hibiscuses

Although the hibiscus flower originated in Asia, Madagascar, Fiji, and Hawaii, hybrids have been cultivated in Australia. And we've partnered with hibiscus propagators, so we can be sure that these plants have adapted to Melbourne's unique soil conditions and weather.

By using local suppliers, we not only support Australian small businesses — we also reduce our carbon footprint, and save on freight and shipping costs. We pass these savings on to our customers, so we can sell quality plants at affordable prices.

alyogyne huegelii

Frequently asked questions

Which hibiscus variety will work best in my backyard?

The answer to this depends on what you want out of your shrub. We've chosen some of our favourite hibiscus varieties based on their maintenance needs, colours, and purpose in the garden.

  • Alyogyne huegelii: This is a variety native to Australia. It's a fast growing shrub and has a long bloom cycle, featuring beautiful large mauve coloured flowers.
  • Hibiscus moscheutos: Featuring flowers ranging from creamy white through pinks and reds, this plant grows well in wet soils — so it's an excellent addition to water gardens and ponds.
  • Hibiscus tiliaceus: This coastal shrub blooms with bright yellow flowers in summer, and grows particularly well in coastal environments. It's a fast growing shrub, perfect for landscaping or acting as a screening plant.
  • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis: A glossy-leaved, upright, evergreen shrub, Chinese hibiscus produces flowers in a range of colours — including white with yellow and orange tips. It's one of the most common hibiscus varieties.
  • Hibiscus syriacus: This exotic beauty blooms continuously from November to June. It is fast growing, and surprisingly resistant to wind and frost. Many gardeners use this stunning shrub as a feature plant, or for hedging and screening.

How do I take care of my hibiscus shrubs?

Despite its delicate appearance, hibiscus is a tough shrub. With the right care and attention, it will flower with stunning blooms and add colour to your garden day after day. To get the most out of your hibiscus, make sure you:

  • Plant your hibiscus in well drained, slightly acidic soil
  • Ensure that it is regularly watered and fed
  • Add organic mulch around the roots, making sure not touch the stem
  • Use a fertiliser which encourages blooms to grow

Should I prune my hibiscus shrub?

Yes — if left to its own devices, a hibiscus shrub will become shapeless and scraggly. It will produce fewer flowers, and bloom in sporadic cycles. We recommend:

  • Prune during spring
  • Begin cutting a third of the way back, leaving at least 2-3 nodes on the branch for new growths
  • Remove weak, diseased, or dead growth
  • Remove any branches growing towards the centre of the plant

Do you deliver hibiscuses around Melbourne?

Yes! We offer delivery for all nursery purchases, with no minimum on orders. In some cases, we can even get your order to you within the same day — as long as you place your order by 1 pm and we have your stock available. If you have any questions about our delivery process or buying hibiscus plants, get in touch with the friendly All Green team.

Call All Green now

(03) 9749 1688

Ready to start growing your own hibiscus shrub?

Get in touch with our friendly team of horticulturists — they'll answer any questions you have.

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