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Garden screening privacy ideas

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Garden screening privacy ideas
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Landscaping supplies
All Green
All Green
January 6, 2021
minute read

Use garden screening ideas to come up with privacy solutions for your garden

In the modern world, it can feel as though prying eyes are following you everywhere. Only a short time ago, it was only the rich and famous who had reason to believe they were being spied upon. But today, even the most obscure and modest person is perpetually surrounded by cameras and microphones. It's so important to have a special, private place — like a backyard — where you can retreat into tranquil privacy.

To help you on your journey to having a private back garden, we've put together some of the best backyard privacy ideas.

Our team at All Green have decades of landscaping experience. Find out more about our hedge plants and grow yourself a private backyard today.

1) Your first line of defence? A fence!

They say that high fences make good neighbours. Whether your neighbours are an annoyance or the subject of great warmth and affection, increased privacy can only improve your relations.

When looking at backyard privacy ideas, a good solid fence is an important place to start. The other backyard privacy ideas on this list are important and useful, but they won't help very much if you haven't already secured your perimeter with a good old-fashioned fence. Think about what kind of fence is best for your property. 

They don’t always have to be plain and boring either. Spruce your fence up with some plants, garden decor, vibrant colours and even textures. 

2) Grow your hedges high and block out any prospective snooping

When a conventional fence just isn't high enough to help you feel secure and private in your own backyard, you might need some extra height. If that's the case, consider investing in some towering hedges. They'll take some time to grow, but when they hit their maximum height, you'll have the benefits of a terrific sense of privacy. And they aren't just great for privacy; as well as stopping snoops from looking in, our hedges are pleasant to look at as well.

just look at those beautiful private hedges right there

3) Get privacy and practicality with large fruit trees

Some plant life serves purely for aesthetic value. Other fruiting foliage can supply delicious food for your family. Finally, there are many different tall-growing plants and trees that can help you build a sense of privacy in your back garden. You could choose just one of those options, but when you pick out the right fruit tree, you get the best of all three worlds.

With tall-growing fruit trees, like lemon trees, plum trees, and apple trees, you'll have a source of food, something pretty to look at, and, when they're sufficiently tall, a bolstered sense of privacy.

4) Block out space and build your own hideaway

When considering privacy in your backyard, the first thing you probably think about is privacy from those outside your home. However, if you have loud or intrusive housemates or family members, it can also be ideal to build some privacy from the other people you live with.

Use walls, trees, bushes, and structures to give the implied feeling of a room in the outdoors. With the right landscaping supplies and expertise, you can build a sense of privacy to help you feel separate from other people in your garden. Mum can have her private rock garden, Dad can have his workshop, and the kids can play ball games, all without getting on each other's nerves.

a splendid little garden hideaway

5) Ensure privacy from above with screens, shades, umbrellas, verandas

Remote-controlled flying drones have been around for years, but it used to be the case that they were the exclusive preserve of the military. Now, drones are readily commercially available — and these drones are prone to devious misuse.

Thankfully, there are many ways to block out spies from above. Big shady trees, for example, can provide a delightful canopy. Other options include verandas, umbrellas, shades, and garden screening. These measures are doubly important in Australia: as well as building an oasis that's private from onlookers, you'll also shield yourself from the intrusive summer sun. Now that's a garden screening privacy idea we can get behind.

keep it private with an umbrella or similar thing

6) Use climbing plants to create beautiful garden screens 

One of the most popular choices for creating a privacy screen is the use of plants like ivy, clematis, or climbing roses, which can cover trellises, fences, or pergolas with lush foliage and vibrant blooms. The versatility of climbing plants allows you to tailor the screen to suit your preferences, whether you prefer colourful flowers, dense foliage, or a combination of both. 

Not only do climbing plants provide privacy, but they also attract beneficial wildlife such as birds, bees, and butterflies, promoting a healthy and vibrant ecosystem. Additionally, they can act as a natural barrier to noise and wind, making your outdoor area more comfortable and peaceful.

7) Don't limit yourself to your backyard

Backyard privacy ideas are all well and good, but what about your front garden? And the sides of your property — are they protected?

With the right landscaping expertise, you can achieve a sense of privacy no matter where you are on your property. There's always a garden screening solution to any problem.

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